In the company where I work, I do a monthly digest with information that I find valuable and interesting to share with my colleagues and discuss them.
This digest will be mostly related to Django framework.
- 🎸 Django 4.2 released - Django 4.2 is designated as a long-term support release. It will receive security updates for at least three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 3.2, will end in April 2024.
- 💽 devdata - Improving developer velocity and experience
- 🤖 How I am using ChatGPT to increase my productivity coding Django
- 🎸 Django: Parametrized tests for all model admin classes
- 🖇 Caching and Django Rest Framework
- 1️⃣ Ban 1+N in Django
- 📊 Denormalization with JSON Fields for a Performance Boost
- Technology Radar #28 - An opinionated guide to technology frontiers

Quote of the Digest:
"Talking to people can save you hours of relentless, undirected and ultimately unsatisfying coding." - Marcel Gehlen