
πŸ“° Monthly digests: May 2023

by Dmytro Litvinov

πŸ“° Monthly digests: May 2023


  1. 🎸 Django: Avoid database queries in template context processors
  2. πŸ‘Ύ Lucide - Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community
  3. 🌱 Handling a Million Tasks in Django: Efficient Prioritization with Celery, Redis, and Flower
  4. πŸš€ 17 Django Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Your Application
  5. 🌾 rye - An Experimental Package Management Solution for Python
  6. 🐍 pyautoenv - Automatically activate and deactivate Python environments as you move around the file system.
  7. πŸ¦— locust-grasshopper - A load testing tool extended from locust. More details about it here.
  8. πŸ“„ How to Document Your Code Like a Pro - TLTW: use comments in code, type hints (can be used just as comments - why not πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ), docstrings. And don’t forget about ChatGPT πŸ˜‰
  9. πŸ€– 50+ ChatGPT Prompts for Web Developers

Quote of the Digest:

β€œWe have to stop optimizing for programmers and start optimizing for users.” - Jeff Atwood