
📰 Monthly digests: April 2024

by Dmytro Litvinov

📰 Monthly digests: April 2024


  1. 🐘 How Built Scalable Search with PostgreSQL
  2. 🐞 The Debugger's Toolkit by Addi Osmani
    For me it is always a reminder from such articles like that what you learn you need to share.
  3. 💾 15 Types of Databases and When to Use Them
  4. 💾 Codd's 12 rules
  5. 🤖 Using GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices
  6. 💬 The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication
    I do like 37signals and their vision, and philosophy. As for that article, it is a must-have skill for everyone.
  7. 📶 The Relative Cost of Bandwidth Around the World
    With recent drama at Twitter regarding Vercel bills on ~100k $ or increase from ~20-30$/per month to 100$/month people started to raise that question more and more about trafik and that article clearly explains the cost of bandwidth.
  8. 🐍 ☁️ Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly
    Learn how to write & deploy your first Cloudflare Workers application with new Workers 101 course
  9. 💥 We are under DDoS attack and we do nothing
    And again the article about Cloudflare 😅
  10. 🎸 Awesome Django Performance
    It wouldn't be me without inserting an article on Django 😎
  11. Optimizing SQLite for servers
    More and more in indie hackers topics people asking and mention about SQLite as a database. Found that article from HackerNews Ask HN: SQLite in Production? Also, ONCE Campfire is built around SQLite.
