📰 Monthly digests: July 2024

by Dmytro Litvinov

📰 Monthly digests: July 2024


These early revisions were straightforward web apps which relied entirely on Django ORM for queries and ran on Postgres because of its capacity to handle relational data. They had easy, one-click deployments set up via Heroku.

The fact that you need to start a project with simple setup and only then migrate to complex tools. It is just a note for myself 😁
As for PostgreSQL - Postgres is all you need, even for vectors 😎

For everyone who working with Web Core Vitals

Should we already pay attention to AI hype or not yet 👁️

Definitely useful, in the case of a legacy database I would use it, but in my case, I always have been working last time with registered admin models of apps and just tweak them as I need 😄

If you are a Django developer and you have not yet subscribed to Adam's blog - you have to go do it right now. A lot of practical and useful information. Always implement most of them in my day-to-day projects on which I am working on.

Can't agree more!